Daily Newsletter (end March 2022)
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19 November 2021


Apolonio wins 2021 Deborah Cass Prize

Bryant Apolonio has won Writers Victoria’s 2021 Deborah Cass prize for his story ‘Independencia’. Apolonio’s story was chosen from a shortlist of nine, He receives $3000 and a mentorship to assist in... Read more


PANZ Book Design Awards 2021 winners announced

The winners of the 2021 Publishers Association of New Zealand (PANZ) Book Design Awards have been announced. The winners in each category were: Gerard Reid Award for Best Book  Nature... Read more
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Scribner acquires Chingaipe's 'Black Convicts' x

Scribner Australia has acquired ANZ rights to Black Convicts: How slavery shaped colonised Australia by journalist, filmmaker and author Santilla Chingaipe, via Grace Heifetz of Left Bank Literary. Based on... Read more


Books in the media this weekend, 20–21 November x

A round-up of the books being reviewed and mentioned in key media this coming weekend. This week’s round-up will be updated as data becomes available. National The Saturday Paper 7... Read more
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Childs climb to first x

After two weeks as runner up, Lee and Andrew Child’s latest Jack Reacher novel, Better off Dead, has prised top spot from Andy Griffiths and Terry Denton’s 143-Storey Treehouse, which... Read more


National Book Awards 2021 winners

In the US, the winners of the 2021 National Book Awards have been announced. The winning titles in each category are: Fiction Hell of a Book (Jason Mott, Trapeze) Nonfiction All... Read more
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