Weekly Book Newsletter (end March 2022)
1 October 2014

Helen Razer & Bernard Keane’s ‘A Short History of Stupid’

A Short History of Stupid is concerned with the rise of Stupidity in a world ruled by ‘fade-resistant individualism’, extreme paternalism, political condescension, conspicuous compassion... Read more

Susan Hawthorne’s ‘Bibliodiversity: A Manifesto for Independent Publishing’

In 2002 I attended the launch of Susan Hawthorne’s Wild Politics: Feminism, Globalisation and Bio/diversity and later used it as an economics text. In that... Read more

NZ book wins international design award

Flatmate’s Handbook by New Zealand graphic design student Lauren Earl has won the Red Dot Design Concept Award, announced in Singapore on 27 September. Published... Read more

International library news

Connecticut library acquires walking, talking, dancing robots Connecticut’s Westport Library recently acquired two robots, Vincent and Nancy, which will be used to help teach coding... Read more

Malaysia Airlines victims honoured in condolence books at SLV

Around 1200 pages of condolence messages have been bound into three books and handed to the State Library of Victoria (SLV) during a national memorial... Read more

NLA to expand online and mobile services

The National Library of Australia (NLA) is redeveloping infrastructure to manage its digital collections and expanding its online and mobile services for library users, reports... Read more

International library news

EU rules on the right of libraries to digitise books for ‘reading points’ The European Union’s Court of Justice has ruled that ‘Member States may... Read more

Over 700 attend ALIA National Conference x

More than 700 library professionals attended this year’s Australian Library and Information Association (ALIA) national conference, which was held in Melbourne from 15 to 19... Read more

ALIA releases report into education and employment trends

The Australian Library and Information Association (ALIA) released its first public report into education and employment trends in the library sector at its national conference... Read more

Top 10 political bios of the past decade

How will Julia Gillard’s memoir measure up against her predecessors’? Nielsen BookScan has put together a list of the bestselling political biographies and memoirs of... Read more

Behind the scenes with Scholastic publisher and Snappyant co-director Ana Vivas

Ana Vivas is a publisher at Scholastic Australia and co-director of Snappyant, which creates interactive children’s book apps for tablets. ‘In 2010, I downloaded an app... Read more

Featherstone to leave ‘Verity La’

Nigel Featherstone, managing editor of online creative arts journal Verity La, has resigned. Michele Seminara, current editor and co-reader of poetry, will take over the... Read more

Sparrow to leave ‘Overland’

Overland editor Jeff Sparrow will leave the role at the end of 2014 to ‘concentrate on his own writing’. Current deputy editor Jacinda Woodhead will... Read more

New chair for Auckland Writers’ Festival board

Sarah Sandley has resigned as chair of the Auckland Writers’ Festival board and will be replaced by deputy chair Phillipa Muir. Nicola Legat has been appointed deputy chair and Josephine Green has... Read more

APA: Submissions open for illustration exhibition at Bologna Book Fair x

Submissions are invited from APA members to be represented in the 2015 Hello! From Australia Illustration Exhibition, held as part of the APA stand at... Read more

ALIA conference iPad competition winner announced x

Thorpe-Bowker congratulates RMIT librarian Julia Leong, winner of the Australian Library and Information Association (ALIA) Conference iPad competition. Along with an iPad, Leong will receive a 12-month subscription to Books+Publishing. The competition was open to attendees at the ALIA National Conference in Melbourne on 15-19 September.


More great titles now available from Novella Distribution x

Novella Distribution specialises in independent Australian publishing houses including: Wombat Books, Rhiza Press, Signs Publishing and Bushytail Books.

We offer rapid order processing and personalised customer service. Head to: www.novelladistribution.com.au or call 07 3167 6519.


‘Glory, Glory’ by Rabbitohs legend John Sattler x

This weekend, South Sydney Rabbitohs will play their first Premiership in 43 years.

Glory Glory: My Life is the story of Rabbitohs icon John Sattler, a boy from the bush who famously played 77 minutes of the 1970 Grand Final with a shattered jaw, leading the Rabbitohs to victory over Manly.

Orders for Glory, Glory (ISBN 9781863956871) can be placed with United Book Distributors on 03 9811 2555 or email orders@unitedbookdistributors.com.au

Sports commentator Ray Warren will be calling this year’s Grand Final, and orders for Ray’s bestselling biography The Voice (ISBN 9781863956758) can also be placed with United Book Distributors.



Spinifex Press: Susan Hawthorne’s new title ‘Bibliodiversity’ attracts international interest x

Susan Hawthorne’s Bibliodiversity: A Manifesto for Independent Publishing (ISBN: 9781742199306) attracted expressions of interest from publishers in four languages on its first day of publication. Interest from publishers working in Spanish, Portuguese, Arabic and French has come for the work. Spinifex Press will be offering it and other titles at next week’s Frankfurt Book Fair in Hall 8.0 B92.


Inbooks to cease distribution for British Library Publishing, Bodleian Library Publishing and Facet Publishing. x

Inbooks would like to advise customers we will cease distribution for British Library Publishing, Bodleian Library Publishing and Facet Publishing on the 20th October 2014. Customer returns will be accepted by Inbooks until 20th October 2014 as per existing returns policies. New distributors for each press will be notified separately.




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