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ALIA releases report into education and employment trends

The Australian Library and Information Association (ALIA) released its first public report into education and employment trends in the library sector at its national conference on 18 September.

The ALIA LIS Education and Employment Trend Report found that overall ‘there is a positive outlook on employment prospects for library and information professionals over the next five years, but the job market will remain tight’.

‘Our analysis of the data indicates that the job market will remain tight over the next five years but there will be openings as baby boomer workers retire and these existing positions are filled,’ said ALIA president Damian Lodge in a statement.

The report found that Library and Information Services (LIS) courses have been particularly vulnerable to changes in the TAFE system at a state and territory level, leading to substantial increases in student fees. It also noted that library and information services are continuing to face government budget cuts.

Lodge said: ‘Students can use this report to inform their decisions about the level of study they wish to pursue. Employers will find it useful in identifying the available pool of library and information professionals, and, as the Association, we will use the key findings to support our approach to professional education and qualifications.’

View the full report here.



Category: Library news