Daily Newsletter (end March 2022)
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9 August 2019

Macmillan Education to withdraw schools division from Australian market x

Macmillan Education Australia has announced its intention to withdraw its schools division from the Australian market ‘in due course’. In a statement, the company said: ‘Following a review of the... Read more


HarperCollins to publish Ellyse Perry’s ‘Perspective’

HarperCollins will publish Australian cricketer and soccer player Ellyse Perry’s debut nonfiction book Perspective in November 2019. HarperCollins said Perry’s ‘inspiring’ and ‘heavily illustrated’ title will feature ‘stories and reflections from her... Read more
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Colin Roderick Award 2019 shortlist announced

The shortlist for this year’s Colin Roderick Award, administered by the Foundation for Australian Literary Studies at James Cook University, has been announced. The shortlisted titles are: Sun Music: New... Read more


Liminal Fiction Prize shortlist announced

Liminal magazine has announced the shortlist for the inaugural Liminal Fiction Prize. The shortlisted authors and their works are: Bryant Apolonio, for ‘Bad Weather’ Claire Cao, for ‘See You Tomorrow’... Read more
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‘The Girl on the Page’ film rights acquired

Sydney-based production company Causeway Films has acquired the film rights to John Purcell’s The Girl on the Page (HarperCollins), via Simone Camilleri of Green Ink Agency. Set in the UK in the... Read more
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