Daily Newsletter (end March 2022)
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13 September 2019


Prime Minister’s Literary Awards 2019 shortlists announced

The shortlists for the 2019 Prime Minister’s Literary Awards have been announced. The shortlisted titles in each category are: Fiction A Stolen Season (Rodney Hall, Picador) Beautiful Revolutionary (Laura Elizabeth... Read more


BWF: YA, women authors top bestsellers

The State Library of Queensland (SLQ) bookshop recorded a 5.9 percent growth in sales at the Brisbane Writers Festival (BWF) bookstore from the previous year, thanks to ‘the strong six-day... Read more
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Boost to events, reader pledges for this year’s Australian Reading Hour

Australian Reading Hour (ARH) has registered 240 events—more than double the number held last year—to be held as part of this year’s campaign, taking place next Thursday 19 September. More... Read more


McLaughlin wins 2019 Sunday Times Audible Short Story Award

Irish writer Danielle McLaughlin has won the £30,000 (A$54,000) Sunday Times Audible Short Story Award for her story ‘A Partial List of the Saved’. The story follows two people who... Read more
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