Weekly Book Newsletter (end March 2022)
26 August 2015

GST to apply to all overseas goods purchased online from July 2017

The 10% GST will be applied to all goods purchased online from overseas retailers from 1 July 2017, following a meeting between federal and state government... Read more

CBCA Book of the Year Awards 2015 winners announced

The winners of the 2015 Children’s Book Council of Australia (CBCA) Book of the Year Awards were announced in Melbourne on 21 August, marking the... Read more

Ned Kelly 2015 winners announced

The Australian Crime Writers Association (ACWA) presented the winners of this year’s Ned Kelly Awards for crime writing at a Melbourne Writers Festival (MWF) event... Read more

RWA awards 2015 winners announced

The winners of the 2015 Romance Writers of Australia (RWA) Romantic Book of the Year awards, known as the ‘RUBYs’, were announced on 22 August... Read more

APA welcomes ABA change of position on parallel importation x

The Australian Publishers Association (APA) has said it will closely study the proposals put by the Australian Bookseller’s Association’s (ABA) in its submission to the Productivity... Read more

Kelly wins 2015 John Button Prize

Paul Kelly has won the 2015 John Button Prize for writing on policy and politics for his book Triumph and Demise (MUP). Kelly’s book was... Read more

Collins, Rawson and Ward win 2015 ‘Seizure’ Viva La Novella competition

The three winning novellas in the 2015 Seizure Viva La Novella competition have been announced. The End of Seeing by Christy Collins, Formaldehyde by Jane Rawson and Welcome to... Read more

Inky Awards 2015 shortlists announced

The shortlists for the 2015 Inky Awards have been announced. The awards are presented by the Centre for Youth Literature at the State Library of... Read more

Readings New Australian Writing Award 2015 shortlist announced

Readings has announced the titles shortlisted for its $4000 New Australian Writing Award. The shortlisted titles are: The Other Side of the World (Stephanie Bishop,... Read more

Industry prepares for ninth annual Indigenous Literacy Day next Wednesday

The ninth Indigenous Literacy Day will take place around Australia next Wednesday 2 September. Indigenous Literacy Day at the Sydney Opera House will be hosted... Read more

Aus, NZ festival of literature and arts director steps down

The founder and director of the Australian and New Zealand Festival of Literature and the Arts, Jon Slack, has stepped down from his position. Slack... Read more

Ubud releases full author line-up for 2015 festival x

The Ubud Writers & Readers Festival (UWRF) has announced the full line-up for its 2015 program, which runs from 28 October to 1 November in... Read more

‘Overwhelming’ response to Hachette’s inaugural Richell Prize x

Hachette has received 975 entries for the inaugural Richell Prize for Emerging Writers, which it launched in May in partnership with the Emerging Writers Festival (EWF) and the... Read more

ASA to launch new endowment fund for authors x

The Australian Society of Authors (ASA) will launch a new endowment fund for authors at an event in Sydney on 10 September. ASA chair David... Read more

Quote of the week x

‘Congratulations to them, as other groups were saying we’ll have a $20 minimum [threshold], but the booksellers stuck to their guns and said it has to... Read more

Rights round-up x

Sales Nonfiction—Black Inc. has sold world rights (ex ANZ) to Restless Continent: Wealth, Rivalry and Asia’s New Geopolitics (Michael Wesley) to Overlook. Children’s—Scholastic Australia has... Read more

Bestsellers this week x

Andy Griffiths and Terry Denton have taken over the bestsellers charts, with four of the five titles in the ‘Treehouse’ series making the top 10 bestsellers. The... Read more

Author Solutions lawsuit discontinued after out-of-court settlement

In the US, a lawsuit brought against Author Solutions, the self-publishing service provider owned by Penguin Random House, has been discontinued following an undisclosed out-of-court settlement, reports... Read more

Scribd restricts access to audiobook content

In the US, ebook subscription service Scribd will restrict its audiobook content by introducing a two-tiered service, reports Publishers Weekly. Customers, who pay a monthly... Read more

Hugo Awards 2015 announced; ‘no award’ given in five categories

The winners of the 2015 Hugo Awards have been announced, with no awards given in five categories in response to the campaign by voting blocs the... Read more

HarperCollins to close online writers’ community Authonomy

HarperCollins has announced it will close its online writers’ community Authonomy at the end of September. The site, which launched in 2008, invites users to... Read more

US government responds to ‘NYT’ article on ‘bruising’ Amazon workplace

In the US, a New York Times article that depicts Amazon is a ‘bruising workplace’ has drawn a response from the government, as well as much... Read more

Kay Craddock receives Melbourne Lord Mayor commendation

Kay Craddock Antiquarian Booksellers has been included in this year’s Melbourne Lord Mayor’s Commendations program, which recognises the city’s iconic, long-running small businesses. Owner Kay... Read more

Low unemployment for librarians but labour market remains tight, ALIA report finds x

The Australian Library and Information Association (ALIA) has released its latest report into education, skills and employment trends in the library and information sector (LIS).... Read more

SLV Creative Fellowships announced x

The State Library of Victoria (SLV) has announced the recipients of its 2015-16 Creative Fellowships. Each of the creative fellowships is funded for three months... Read more

Inaugural SLNSW Coral Thomas Fellowship recipient announced x

The State Library of New South Wales has awarded its inaugural $75,000 Coral Thomas Fellowship to Rebe Taylor for her project: The Wedge Collection: moments of... Read more

Christchurch library project facing NZ$10 million shortfall x

In New Zealand, the $NZ85m (A$77.3m) proposal to build a five-storey central library in Christchurch’s Cathedral Square has been postponed due to a shortfall in... Read more

International library news x

Library card a ‘must’ for all eight-year-olds In the UK, Education Secretary Nicky Morgan has launched a ‘literacy mission’ saying that every eight-year-old child in... Read more

Picture this: Market growth for illustrated children’s nonfiction x

A renewed interest in books as beautiful objects has boosted the market for illustrated children’s nonfiction. Carody Culver explores the ‘genre’s’ rise in popularity in her article... Read more

McDonald joins S&S x

Simon McDonald has been appointed marketing and publicity executive at Simon & Schuster. (See classified.)

Society of Editors (NSW): Introduction to indexing x

The Society of Editors (NSW) Inc. will run a one-day professional development workshop on indexing for editors with freelance indexer Glenda Browne on Wednesday, 21... Read more

Black Inc. Congratulates Clare Atkins for ‘Nona & Me’, CBCA Honour Book x

Black Inc. congratulates Clare Atkins, whose debut novel Nona & Me has been named an Honour Book for older readers in this year’s Children’s Book Council of Australia awards.

Orders for Nona & Me (9781863956895, RRP $19.99) can be placed with United Book Distributors on orders@unitedbookdistributors.com.au or 03 9811 2555.



Capricorn Link Distribution Changes x

Capricorn Link (Australia) to commence distribution for the following publishers:

G2 Entertainment, formerly with NewSouth Books, effective from 1 August.
Landauer Publishing, formerly with John Reed, effective from 1 September.
Chelsea Green, formerly with NewSouth Books, effective from 1 September.

For any additional information, please contact Elaine Inwood.
Phone 02 45 601600
Email: sales@capricornlink.com.au


CSIRO Publishing: Australian Science Content for Kids x

CSIRO Publishing are excited to announce that we have launched a children’s publishing program, with plans for high quality science books for kids.

Our first release is Phasmid: Saving the Lord Howe Island Stick Insect by Melbourne Zookeeper, Rohan Cleave with stunning watercolour illustrations by renowned artist Coral Tulloch ( DUE Sept, 9781486301126, HB, $AU24.95).

Trade orders should be sent to TL Distribution: orders@tldistribution.com.au


Simon & Schuster Appoints Simon McDonald x

Simon & Schuster Australia has appointed Simon McDonald into the newly created position of Marketing & Publicity Executive. Previously holding positions at Quarto, The Reading Room and Pages & Pages he will commence at Simon & Schuster on August 31.


HarperCollins to Publish Stan Grant’s Call to Arms for All Australians, ‘Talking to My Country’ x

HarperCollins is pleased to announce that they have acquired the rights to Stan Grant’s book Talking to My Country.  Last month, as the debate over Adam Goodes being booed at AFL games raged, getting ever more heated and ugly, Stan Grant wrote a short but powerful piece on racism in Australia for The Guardian.  The article almost immediately went viral, being shared over 100,000 times on social media.  Following the success of that article, Stan’s book, Talking to My Country, will be an extended personal meditation on racism, identity and what it means to be Australian. Direct, honest and forthright, Stan is talking to us all. He might not have all the answers but he wants us to keep on asking the question: how can we be better?   Shona Martyn, Publishing Director, says ‘HarperCollins is proud to be the publisher of Stan Grant’s important book. Stan has touched a collective nerve with his direct response to the treatment of Adam Goodes.  He has challenged us as Australians to look at ourselves and to ponder our identity. Talking to My Country will, I believe, be both a ground-breaking and historic publication.’

Stan Grant says: ‘Where do we find the words that lift us above ourselves, that ask us to be better, that challenge us to complete the unfinished page in our history? Like all indigenous people I have spent a life looking in on this country, our country, looking for an opening, a place to belong, to be truly called Australian and to feel it, to mean it. We aren’t there yet. The Adam Goodes saga reminded us we aren’t there yet. But if indeed we are a great nation and a nation of great people, we need to hold ourselves to great account. This book will be my words, my story, my people’s story and in it I hope to find a way to make the story truly ours: an Australian story.’

HarperCollins will be publishing Talking to My Country in early 2016.


MUP Congratulates Author Paul Kelly: Winner of the 2015 John Button Prize x

MUP congratulates Paul Kelly, whose book Triumph and Demise has won the 2015 John Button Prize for writing on policy and politics, presented at the Melbourne Writers Festival on 22 August as part of the John Button Oration.

Triumph and Demise by Paul Kelly
ISBN: 978-0-522-86781-7 (updated paperback)
RRP: $34.99

Triumph and Demise is a superbly written book filled with revelations and sharp judgments that lift off the page with an authority that is characteristic of Kelly. Its revelations … are significant and its conclusions are powerful. It is a compelling book.’—The Australian

Orders can be placed with United Book Distributors on 1800 222 444 or orders@unitedbookdistributors.com.au.


UQP Congratulates Claire Zorn x

UQP is thrilled to congratulate Claire Zorn on her two honours for The Protected: CBCA Book of the Year Award for Older Readers and the Gold Inky Awards shortlisting. #LoveOzYA

For reorders please contact UBD on orders@unitedbookdistributors.com.au




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