Weekly Book Newsletter (end March 2022)
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13 January 2021

Please complete our Christmas survey—deadline extended

Books+Publishing is currently conducting its annual Christmas survey of booksellers and publishers. Please take a few minutes to complete the survey online. We are now... Read more
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Watts appointed Thames & Hudson regional managing director: Asia-Pacific x

Thames & Hudson Australia managing director Daniel Watts has been appointed to the newly created role of regional managing director: Asia-Pacific. According to a statement... Read more


A&U acquires Xu memoir ‘You’re So Brave’ x

Allen & Unwin (A&U) has acquired ANZ rights to Vicky Xu’s memoir You’re So Brave at auction, from Benython Oldfield of Zeitgeist Agency. A&U described... Read more
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UK supply chain hit by border delays, Brexit issues

In the UK, booksellers are facing issues with goods coming into and out of Europe due to border delays and Brexit red tape, reports the... Read more

UWAP to become hybrid publisher, latest awards and more

In December last year, the University of Western Australia announced the university’s publishing arm will become a ‘hybrid’ publisher, with the library to take over internal management of the press.

In recent awards, Magabala announced the recipient of its inaugural fellowship, and the winners of the SPN Book of the Year and the Blake-Beckett Trust Scholarship were announced. The Russell Prize for Humour Writing has added a children’s category worth $5000, while late last year the winners of the 2020 PMLAs were announced.

Overseas, while book sales were up around 8% in the US last year, the market in Germany fell by a bit over 2%, due to the country’s second lockdown coming into effect during the busy Christmas selling season.

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‘The Dry’ becomes first number one of 2021 x

After six weeks at number one on the bestseller chart and being named the top Australian Christmas bestseller for 2020 by Nielsen, Barack Obama’s A... Read more


A Room Called Earth (Madeleine Ryan, Scribe)

In the light of a full moon on a sweltering December night—Christmas Eve eve—a nameless young woman drapes herself in a silk kimono and goes... Read more


Other People’s Houses (Kelli Hawkins, HarperCollins) x

This suburban thriller, set on Sydney’s North Shore, explores what happens when unresolved grief turns into obsession. After experiencing a horrific tragedy, Kate develops some... Read more


The Missing Among Us (Erin Stewart, NewSouth) x

The Missing Among Us is instantly enthralling. Erin Stewart profiles a number of missing persons cases, deftly and confidently straddling the line between reportage and... Read more


The Detective’s Guide to Ocean Travel (Nicki Greenberg, Affirm) x

Award-winning picture book and graphic novel author and illustrator Nicki Greenberg has turned her attention to middle-grade mystery in her newest work, The Detective’s Guide... Read more


The Gaps (Leanne Hall, Text) x

The fourth novel by 2009 Text Prize winner Leanne Hall is simultaneously harrowing and enchanting. The Gaps begins as abruptly as a slap, with a... Read more


Main Abija My Grandad (Karen Rogers, A&U) x

Written as a tribute to the author and artist Karen Rogers’s grandfather, who was instrumental in teaching her about her ancestry and Country, this picture... Read more

Vale Mark Bonello

Publishing consultant Mark Bonello has died after an illness. Ernie Mason, friend and former managing director of Random House, writes: ‘I first met Mark with... Read more


Read the latest Publishers Weekly x

Books+Publishing is partnering with US trade news magazine Publishers Weekly to provide our subscribers with exclusive access to the weekly digital edition of PW magazine.... Read more

Banyard joins Echo x

Emily Banyard has joined Echo Publishing as a publicist. Previously marketing and communications manager at the Australian Society of Authors, Banyard began her new role... Read more

Gramazio launches new agency

Ronnie Gramazio, a veteran of Australian and US book publishing has this month launched a new literary agency based here in Australia. With more than 25 years of publishing experience, you can read more about Ronnie, the agency or follow the submission guidelines by visiting www.ronniegramazio.com.


NewSouth Books to distribute Gallup Press

NewSouth Books are delighted to announce that they will be responsible for the sales, marketing and publicity for Gallup Press, currently being distributed by Simon & Schuster Australia, from 1 February 2021.

Gallup Press titles previously purchased from Simon & Schuster Australia will not be accepted by Alliance Distribution Services (ADS) for return. The Simon & Schuster returns cut-off date is 28 February 2021.

From 1 February 2021, all orders for Gallup Press titles should be sent to ADS (adscs@alliancedist.com.au), or please see your NewSouth Books account manager.




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