Daily Newsletter (end March 2022)
Image. Advertisement: White Butterflies by Collin McPhedran. Available 1 April.
24 April 2017

No ‘Daily’ on Tuesday x

The Books+Publishing Daily newsletter will not be published on Tuesday 25 April due to the Anzac Day holiday. The next Daily will be published on Wednesday 26 April.

Vogel Award 2017 shortlist announced

The shortlist has been announced for the 2017 Australian/Vogel’s Literary Award for an unpublished manuscript by a writer under the age of 35. The five titles on this year’s shortlist,... Read more
Image. Advertisement: The Bright Hour: A Memoir of Living and Dying by Nina Riggs

Affirm moves sales, distribution to Hachette

Affirm Press titles will be distributed by Alliance Distribution Services (ADS) and sold by Hachette from 3 July. ADS and Hachette will take over the distribution and sales from United... Read more


‘Dragonkeeper’ to become an animated film

Carole Wilkinson’s children’s book Dragonkeeper (Black Dog Books) is being adapted into an animated feature film. The China-Spain co-production was announced at the Beijing Film Festival. It is being produced... Read more
Image. Advertisement: Disappearing off the Face of the Earth


NZ picture book trilogy to be published as augmented reality titles

In the US, Sourcebooks has published the first in a trilogy of picture books by New Zealand author James Russell and illustrator Link Choi with the use of augmented reality.... Read more

RiP Rose Creswell x

Former literary agent Rose Creswell has died. The Cameron Creswell Agency writes: ‘It is with much sadness The Cameron Creswell Agency announces the death, on Tuesday 19 April 2017, of... Read more
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Bestsellers this week x

Good Night Stories for Rebel Girls (Elena Favilli & Francesca Cavallo, Particular Books) has shot up the charts to fourth spot in this week’s top 10 bestsellers chart, as well... Read more

Children’s imprint Penguin Workshop to launch in the US

In the US, Penguin Random House will launch a new children’s imprint called Penguin Workshop with an emphasis on ‘accessible titles and brands’, reports Publishers Weekly. The imprint will be... Read more



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