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Whiteley on Trial
Gabriella Coslovich, MUP, October 2017, reviewed by Clive Tilsley

From the dramatis personae of the opening pages—the Suspect Paintings, the Authentic Painting and the Individuals—I was taken by this story of true crime and... Read more
Image. Advertisement: Wish You Were Here. She went looking for herself ... and found love instead. Seridan Jobbins.


A fine art: Gabriella Coslovich on ‘Whiteley on Trial’

Arts journalist Gabriella Coslovich’s Whiteley on Trial (MUP, October) investigates the twists and turns in the biggest case of alleged art fraud the Australian criminal... Read more


Laughing matters: Tony Martin on ‘Deadly Kerfuffle’ x

Writer and comedian Tony Martin’s debut novel Deadly Kerfuffle (Affirm, November) is a ‘rip-roaring ride through suburban Australia, its anxieties, obsessions and weird imaginings’, writes... Read more



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