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Feature review
The Making of Martin Sparrow Peter Cochrane, Viking, May 2018, reviewed by Chris Saliba
Flames Robbie Arnott, Text, May 2018, reviewed by Jackie Tang
Fleshers: Newport City Book One Alison Croggon & Daniel Keene, Newport Street Books, June 2018, reviewed by Tehani Croft
Into the Night Sarah Bailey, A&U, June 2018, reviewed by Fiona Hardy
Ironbark Jay Carmichael, Scribe, May 2018, reviewed by Max Oliver
The Love That I Have James Moloney, HarperCollins, June 2018, reviewed by Kate Frawley
The Way Things Should Be Bridie Jabour, Echo, May 2018, reviewed by Kate McDonell
Balancing Acts: Women in Sport ed by Justin Wolfers & Erin Riley, Brow Books, May 2018, reviewed by Holly Anderson
Eggshell Skull Bri Lee, A&U, June 2018, reviewed by Sonia Nair
Miss Ex-Yugoslavia Sofia Stefanovic, Viking, May 2018, reviewed by Nathania Gilson
The Motherhood ed by Jamila Rizvi, Viking, May 2018, reviewed by Katie Haydon
Small Wrongs Kate Rossmanith, Hardie Grant, June 2018, reviewed by Giselle Au-Nhien Nguyen
Staying: A Memoir Jessie Cole, Text, May 2018, reviewed by Hilary Simmons
Traumata Meera Atkinson, UQP, May 2018, reviewed by Melissa Cranenburgh
Waiting for Elijah Kate Wild, Scribe, June 2018, reviewed by Deborah Crabtree
Welcome to Country: A Travel Guide to Indigenous Australia Marcia Langton, Hardie Grant, May 2018, reviewed by Karen Wyld
Literary direct action: Meera Atkinson on 'Traumata'
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