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Twelfth Planet Press launches novella series

Australian science-fiction and fantasy publisher Twelfth Planet Press is launching a novella series.

The series will launch with Stephanie Gunn’s novella Icefall, a ‘gripping story of extreme sports in outer space’, which Twelfth Planet Press acquired via a previous open submission period.

Publisher Alisa Krasnostein told Books+Publishing she will decide how many novellas to release in the series per year based on what’s submitted. ‘At this stage I’m very open and am really looking for work that hits my brief. We’re interested in hearing from marginalised writers more generally … That said, we also welcome stories from authors who aren’t marginalised,’ said Krasnostein. ‘We are also looking for fun, light crime novellas that fit within our Deadlines imprint.’

Krasnostein said she decided to launch a novella series because Twelfth Planet Press has had success with the format. ‘I enjoy the word length and think it suits the genre,’ said Krasnostein. ‘It’s the perfect length to read on daily commutes or for a short, sharp, powerful reading experience without too much commitment. Obviously with the rise in success of the novella imprint, there are a lot more writers working at this length right now.’

Gunn’s Icefall will be released later this year. For more information about the novella series, click here.


Category: Local news Rights and acquisitions