Inside the Australian and New Zealand book industry

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Leaf Mag launches to demystify book industry

A new online publication that aims to ‘demystify, equitise and diversify’ publishing, bookselling, libraries and other book-related work in Australia has been launched by two university students and a recent graduate.

Leaf Mag, founded by Clare Millar, Jessica Harvie and Rebecca Fletcher, aims to ensure that anybody entering the Australian book industry can be as informed as possible. The online magazine features interviews from Australia’s book professionals about what drew them to working with books, what skills they use and how they got into the roles they have now, as well as a list of recommended reading on industry topics.

‘So many of us walk into publishing blindfolded by a love of books,’ said the website’s founders. ‘When we want to enter the book industry, we only really know about positions like editor or bookseller—but there are so many other roles and opportunities out there that we don’t see. We need to know what else is out there, and knowledge is power. So we’re talking to those people about their jobs to try to share this knowledge.’

Leaf Mag also aims to ‘highlight and disrupt the privileged barriers to entering these industries’.

‘We recognise that careers are not static, and we hope that discussing skills and pathways will make book-related jobs less mysterious and more achievable for those looking to enter these industries. It is also a predominantly white, middle-class, tertiary educated industry. For this to change, we need to make it as transparent and accessible as possible.’


Category: Local news