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Bookshops in Shepparton, Echuca, Kyneton closed due to floods

Collins Booksellers in Shepparton and Echuca, Victoria, have announced these stores will be closed until further notice due to flooding in the region.

‘We had a bit of water that came up from the storm drains at the shop, but the sandbags protected the store and no water made it in … We will post on the page once we formally reopen,’ Collins Shepparton posted on its social media on Tuesday, 18 October.

Author events with Craig Silvey and Chris Hammer over the weekend were cancelled, while the store’s ‘Celebrating Rural Women in the GV’ event was postponed.

Collins Echuca closed its store on Saturday, 15 October in preparation for anticipated flooding, and announced on Tuesday 18 October on Instagram that the store would be closed until further notice ‘due to the high possibility of flooding’.

‘We have removed and raised as much stock as we can as we prepare for the water to come in from the Murray, we have been told to expect around one metre of water to come through the shop,’ the Echuca store said in an update to customers on its Facebook page. ‘We are prepared but it’s not going to be pretty, so let’s hope they are wrong.’

Collins Echuca also had an author event with Craig Silvey scheduled. ‘We will attempt to re-book this event for early 2023,’ the bookstore said.

In a social media post on Thursday, 13 October, children’s and young adult bookshop Squishy Minnie Bookstore in Kyneton, a Victorian town that has also experienced flooding, announced it had closed up shop due to a power outage.

‘Last Friday morning we had water coming up through the concrete slab and very fortunately only had damage to our rugs and some wet wooden bookshelves. So far, we’re very relieved that no more water has come up through the floor, just some drips coming from the ceiling and some water through a light fitting. Hopefully we can stay dry as the last of the rain comes through and we’ll be back open tomorrow, but it might be later than usual while we clean up.’


Category: Local news