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Raymaŋgirrbuy dhäwu, When I was a little girl (Kylie Gatjawarrawuy Mununggurr, Magabala)

This beautiful book is written in dual languages: Dhuwal, also known as Djambarrpuyŋu (widely understood in north-east Arnhem Land), and English. The artworks/illustrations by author Kylie Gatjawarrawuy Mununggurr depict family and place (Raymaŋgirr in north-east Arnhem Land). Mununggurr describes learning painting from her grandmother and shares stories of time with friends and family, as well as traditional practices from her childhood, such as hunting for bush honey (guku) and eating it (‘sweet and sticky’), doing the guku dance during ceremony, and catching and eating fish. Her stories and accompanying illustrations are lively, joyful and peopled. Everyone works together for a goal, has some laughs along the way, and shares in the feast and celebration. Towards the end of the book, an image completes a moonlit fishing expedition: the orange sun is rising, and beneath it is the blue ocean. On the sand, the family is gathered to eat, with fish, tea and damper surrounding a fire. It made me hungry to see and read about this delicious shared feast! Raymaŋgirrbuy dhäwu, When I Was a Little Girl is a generous act of sharing and will enlighten young readers aged 4+ about life in Arnhem Land.

Books+Publishing reviewer: Angela Meyer is an author and lecturer in writing and publishing at RMIT. She is a former publisher and bookseller. Books+Publishing is Australia’s number-one source of pre-publication book reviews.


Category: Friday Unlocked reviews Reviews