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‘The Bible in Buffalo Country’ wins 2021 NT History Book Award

The winner of the 2021 Chief Minister’s Northern Territory History Book Award has been announced.

The Bible in Buffalo Country: Oenpelli Mission 1925-1931 (Sally May, Laura Rademaker, Donna Nadjamerrek & Julie Narndal Gumurdul, ANU Press) was chosen from a total of nine entries for the 2021 award.

Highly commended was The Cummings Family: Family, Belonging and Connection to Country (Maisie Austin & Matthew Stephen).

Also finalists for the award were Port Essington: The British in North Australia 1838-49 (Derek Pugh) and Power and Protection: The contest between the government residents and the medical protectors of the Aborigines in South Australia’s Northern Territory (Brian Reid).

The most recent winner of the award was 2019 winner Northern Dreams: The politics of northern development in Australia (Lyndon Megarrity).


Category: Awards Local news