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SPN conference 2019 industry research day program announced

The Small Press Network (SPN) has announced the program for its industry research day as part of the 2019 Independent Publishing Conference, which will run at the Wheeler Centre in Melbourne from 21–23 November.

This year’s research day on 21 November will feature morning panels on ‘Publishing Places’, ‘Beyond the Book-as-Site’, and ‘Publishers and Processes’, followed by a keynote by international guest Claire Squires, director of Scotland’s Stirling Centre for International Publishing and Communication. Squires will deliver her speech titled ‘“Oh, just going round the world, you know”: Mary Poppins’ Publishing Compass’.

The afternoon program includes panels on ‘Digital and Virtual Sites of Publishing’, ‘Popular Fiction’ and ‘Physical and Material Sites of Book Culture’. The winner of the 2019 Most Underrated Book Award will be announced at an event in the evening.

The programs for the trade day and fundamentals of publishing day are yet to be announced. To book tickets, visit the conference website.


Category: Events Local news