Weekly Book Newsletter (end March 2022)
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18 September 2019


My Dark Vanessa

‘A package of dynamite’—Stephen King ‘The book everyone will be talking about in 2020’—Louise O’Neill ‘Riveting, compulsive, urgent’—Elizabeth Day An era-defining novel about the relationship... Read more
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Prime Minister’s Literary Awards 2019 shortlists announced

The shortlists for the 2019 Prime Minister’s Literary Awards have been announced. The shortlisted titles in each category are: Fiction A Stolen Season (Rodney Hall,... Read more


Boost to events, reader pledges for this year’s Australian Reading Hour

Australian Reading Hour (ARH) has registered 240 events—more than double the number held last year—to be held as part of this year’s campaign, taking place... Read more
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Zadie Smith, Curtis Sittenfeld to appear at inaugural Broadside feminist festival

The Wheeler Centre has announced a two-day feminist ideas festival, Broadside, to be held at the Melbourne Town Hall from 9–10 November. UK author Zadie... Read more


BWF: YA, women authors top bestsellers

The State Library of Queensland (SLQ) bookshop recorded a 5.9 percent growth in sales at the Brisbane Writers Festival (BWF) bookstore from the previous year,... Read more
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‘Dark Emu’ chosen as inaugural Parliamentary Book Club title

Bruce Pascoe’s Dark Emu (Magabala) has been chosen as the first book to be read by politicians for the inaugural Parliamentary Book Club, to be... Read more


Environment Award for Children’s Literature 2019 winners announced

The Wilderness Society has announced the winners of the 2019 Environment Award for Children’s Literature. The winners are: Picture fiction The All New Must Have... Read more


Flann wins 2019 Banjo Prize for ‘unbearably tense’ survival thriller

HarperCollins has announced Elizabeth Flann as the winner of the 2019 Banjo Prize for an unpublished manuscript for her ‘unbearably tense’ Australian thriller ‘Beware of... Read more


Ngaio Marsh Award 2019 winners announced

New Zealand writer Fiona Kidman has won the Ngaio Marsh Award for Best Crime Novel for This Mortal Boy (RHNZ Vintage). The story recreates the... Read more

A&U, Wavesound to partner on audiobooks

The majority of new Allen & Unwin titles will be produced as audiobooks under a new partnership between the publisher and Wavesound. The co-publishing program... Read more


Clarke, Dovey among Sidney Myer Creative Fellowship recipients

Writers Maxine Beneba Clarke and Ceridwen Dovey are among nine artists to be awarded 2019 Sidney Myer Creative Fellowships, each worth $160,000 over two years.... Read more


Bragg UNSW Press Prize for Science Writing 2019 shortlist announced

The shortlist for this year’s Bragg UNSW Press Prize for Science Writing has been announced. The shortlisted pieces are: ‘Getting cliterate’ (Melissa Fyfe, Good Weekend)... Read more


Dechian wins 2019 ABR Elizabeth Jolley Short Story Prize

Victoria-based writer Sonja Dechian has won the Australian Book Review’s (ABR) 2019 Elizabeth Jolley Short Story Prize for her story ‘The Point-Blank Murder’. The judges said... Read more


Black Inc. sells Glover’s ‘The Last Man in Europe’ to UK

Black Inc. has sold UK and Commonwealth rights (ex ANZ) to Dennis Glover’s novel The Last Man in Europe to Edinburgh-based independent publisher Polygon. Glover’s... Read more


‘You Must be Layla’ sells to Puffin UK

Penguin Random House (PRH) Australia has sold UK and Commonwealth rights (ex ANZ) to Yassmin Abdel-Magied’s You Must Be Layla to Puffin UK, reports the Bookseller.... Read more


HarperCollins acquires rights to Hazlehurst’s memoir x

HarperCollins has acquired world rights to actor Noni Hazlehurst’s memoir in a ‘hotly contested’ auction. The publisher said Hazlehurst, an award-winning stage and screen actor... Read more


Parrett’s ‘There Was Still Love’ sold to UK

Martin Shaw of Alex Adsett Publishing Services has sold UK and Commonwealth rights to Favel Parrett’s third novel, There Was Still Love (Hachette), to Francine... Read more


Walker acquires Neridah McMullin picture book x

Walker Books Australia has acquired world rights to a new picture book by Neridah McMullin called The Drover. Based a true story, the book follows... Read more


Porter’s ‘Firefly’ wins 2019 Wilbur Smith Adventure Prize

In the UK, English writer Henry Porter has won the £15,000 (A$27,250) Wilbur Smith Adventure Prize for his novel Firefly (Quercus). Firefly follows a highly intelligent... Read more

Baillie Gifford Prize for Nonfiction 2019 longlist announced

In the UK, the longlist for this year’s Baillie Gifford Prize for Nonfiction, formerly the Samuel Johnson Prize, has been announced. The 10 longlisted titles... Read more


Love wins 2019 Klaus Flugge Prize

In the UK, Jessica Love has won the £5000 (A$8990) Klaus Flugge Prize for most promising newcomer to children’s picture book illustration for Julian is... Read more


Dalcher wins Goldsboro Glass Bell for ‘Vox’

In the UK, debut novelist Christina Dalcher has won the £2000 (A$3650) Goldsboro Books Glass Bell Award for Vox (HQ). Set in an America where women... Read more


FT and McKinsey Business Book of the Year Award 2019 shortlist announced

In the UK, the shortlist for the Financial Times and McKinsey Business Book of the Year Award has been announced. This year’s six shortlisted books are:... Read more


McLaughlin wins 2019 Sunday Times Audible Short Story Award

Irish writer Danielle McLaughlin has won the £30,000 (A$54,000) Sunday Times Audible Short Story Award for her story ‘A Partial List of the Saved’. The... Read more


Rights round-up x

Sales Fiction Black Inc. has sold UK and Commonwealth rights (ex ANZ) to The Last Man in Europe (Dennis Glover) to Polygon (see news). Martin Shaw... Read more


Bestsellers: Down under authors on top of the charts x

Children’s books are dominating this week’s bestseller chart, with The 117-Storey Treehouse (Andy Griffiths & Terry Denton, Pan) continuing its run in the top spot.... Read more


The Wooleen Way: Renewing an Australian resource (David Pollock, Scribe) x

David Pollock, a second-generation pastoralist from Western Australia, describes a wicked environmental problem in his memoir The Wooleen Way. Animals produced for food—beef in particular—eat... Read more

Australian book industry orgs pledge to attend climate strike x

‘Lost sales pale in significance against the threat global warming poses to our future. Candelo Books has never closed its doors on a whim … We are a small store in a small town and we need every sale we can get, but this issue is too big to ignore.’Marianna Ypma from Bega’s Candelo Books is one of many Australian business owners closing on Friday, 20 September in order to attend the global climate strike.



Publishers Weekly x

Books+Publishing is partnering with US trade news magazine Publishers Weekly to provide our subscribers with exclusive access to the weekly digital edition of PW magazine for a... Read more

WA researchers warn of ‘alarming’ loss of teacher librarians in public schools

Researchers in Western Australia have warned student literacy will continue to suffer unless an ‘alarming loss’ in the number of teacher librarians is reversed, reports... Read more

Victoria’s Libraries After Dark program rolls out to another six libraries

The Victorian state government is expanding its Libraries After Dark program—which funds social evening activities in libraries as an alternative to gambling venues—to another six... Read more


Book industry orgs support climate strike

Booksellers, publishers and other industry organisations across Australia are participating in the global climate strike, taking place on Friday, 20 September. With almost 100 locations... Read more


‘The patriarchy has it coming’: Festival director Tam Zimet on Broadside x

Writers including Zadie Smith, Curtis Sittenfeld and Helen Garner have recently been announced as part of the line-up for the Wheeler Centre’s inaugural Broadside feminist... Read more


Book designer spotlight: Hannah Janzen

Hannah Janzen began designing books at Sydney design studio Xou Creative, before turning to freelance, specialising in children’s books. She was recently elected president of... Read more

Walker Books Australia announces new Jon Klassen picture book for 2021

Bestselling and award-winning picture book creator Jon Klassen will publish a new book to be released worldwide in March 2021.

The Rock from the Sky is a hilarious meditation on friendship, fate, and that funny feeling you get when there’s something off but you just can’t put your finger on it. Merging broad visual suspense with his trademark wry wit and existential silliness, Klassen has created a wholly original comedy for the ages.

Candlewick Press executive editorial director and associate publisher Liz Bicknell acquired world rights to the book on behalf of the Walker Books Group from Steve Malk at Writers House.

For more information visit the website here.


Australian Scholarly Publishing email update

Australian Scholarly Publishing and Australian Book Marketing would like to advise of a change in email contact details to enquiry@scholarly.info. Please update your records accordingly.




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