Weekly Book Newsletter (end March 2022)
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17 June 2021


Miles Franklin 2021 shortlist announced

The shortlist for the 2021 Miles Franklin Literary Award has been announced. The six shortlisted novels, chosen from a longlist of 12, are: Amnesty (Aravind Adiga,... Read more
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Watson wins 2021 Penguin Literary Prize

Penguin Random House Australia (PRH) has announced that Denizen by James McKenzie Watson has won the 2021 Penguin Literary Prize. Dubbo-based Watson receives $20,000 as... Read more


Welbeck Flame acquires five-book ‘Hedgewitch’ series x

Welbeck Flame, the children’s imprint of UK publisher Welbeck Publishing Group, has acquired UK and Commonwealth rights (ex Canada) to a five-book middle-grade series by... Read more
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Reynolds, Smith win 2021 Carnegie, Greenaway medals

The UK Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals (CILIP) has announced the winners of the 2021 Carnegie and Kate Greenaway medals. Jason Reynolds won... Read more

Queen’s Birthday Honours, Williams to step down at ILF

A number of authors and publishing industry figures have been recognised in this year’s 2021 Queen’s Birthday Honours.

Corrie Perkin’s My Bookshop in the Melbourne suburb of Hawksburn is set to close following Covid-19 lockdowns and lease negotiations. Meanwhile, Karen Williams will step down as head of the ILF as the organisation commits to expanded First Nations leadership.

In other news, MWF has partnered with the Age—which is bringing back its Book of the Year award—and EWF is going completely digital. In awards, Oratia Media was named Bologna publisher of the year in the Oceania category, and the winners of the UQP Quentin Bryce Award and UWAP Dorothy Hewett Award were announced, as were shortlists for IPEd’s Rosie Award, the NZ Book Awards for Children and YA, the Michael Gifkins Prize and the Rachel Funari Prize for Fiction.

In overseas news, Waterstones profit was down 8.4% in 2020, while Frankfurt has revealed plans for in-person events at this year’s fair. Meanwhile, the winners of the Pulitzer Prizes and the Wolfson History Prize were announced.

For all the latest localinternational and rights news, sign up to our Daily newsletter here.

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Reading across the ditch: Forthcoming highlights from Aotearoa New Zealand x

Sharing a travel bubble and a relatively compatible time zone, could Australia and Aotearoa New Zealand’s respective book industries be looking at each other afresh... Read more


Meet the ABDA Emerging Designers of the Year: George Saad

In the lead-up to the 2021 Australian Book Designers Association (ABDA) Awards, Books+Publishing spoke to the two shortlisted nominees for Emerging Designer of the Year. In this... Read more


Melbourne City of Lit meets Milan’s Libreria dello Spettacolo

In this series, run in partnership with the Melbourne City of Literature Office, we get to know some of the bookshops in the UNESCO Cities of Literature... Read more


Rights round-up x

Sales Children’s Hardie Grant has sold Spanish rights to Billie B Brown: The Baby Bird, Billie B Brown: The Hat Parade and Billie B Mysteries:... Read more


Adult fiction dominates chart x

After months of the Australian bestsellers chart being dominated by children’s fiction, the top five books on the chart this week are all adult fiction... Read more


The Airways (Jennifer Mills, Picador) x

Jennifer Mills’s The Airways unsettles the boundaries between consciousness, self and the physical world, deep-diving into the parallels between the workings of the human body... Read more


Imaginative Possession (Belinda Probert, Upswell) x

Thirty-five years after migrating to Australia from London, educator and social scientist Belinda Probert is still struggling to feel at home in a country that... Read more


The Overthinkers (Lisa Portolan & Ben Cheong, Big Sky Publishing) x

Four gen Zs in Sydney grapple with status, socialising and self-acceptance in the The Overthinkers by Lisa Portolan and Ben Cheong. First we are introduced... Read more


Devils in Danger (Samantha Wheeler, UQP) x

When strange things start happening around 11-year-old Killarney’s house—missing clothes, screaming in the night—she becomes determined to solve the mystery. Killarney soon discovers that the... Read more


Underground (Mirranda Burton, A&U) x

Mirranda Burton’s graphic novel presents an overview of Australia during the Vietnam War by following three main characters: anti-war activist Jean McLean, Vietnam veteran Bill... Read more


Read the latest Publishers Weekly x

Books+Publishing is partnering with US trade news magazine Publishers Weekly to provide our subscribers with exclusive access to the weekly digital edition of PW magazine.... Read more

Final days; 70% off bookmarks and bookplates

Australian Bookmarks and Bookplates is closing on 30 June.

Everything now discounted by 70%

Bookmarks: fantasy, animals, humorous, inspirational and zodiacs.

Bookplates: eight designs, including the popular Wise Owl on Books.


Reading copies of 2021 Quentin Bryce Award winner available to booksellers

UQP congratulates Geelong writer Sarah Walker, who has won the 2021 Quentin Bryce Award for her essay collection The First Time I Thought I Was Dying (August, $29.99, 9780702263286). Booksellers, to request a reading copy email kirsty.wilson@uqp.com.au.


ABA conference online: free to all ABA member bookshops

In recognition of the ongoing difficulties faced by Melbourne booksellers and the bookselling community at large over the past 18 months, the conference live stream will be available FREE to all ABA member bookshops. A conference ticket to the live stream has be sent to your bookshop email address.

Join us on Sunday 20 and Monday 21 June free for two fabulous days of speakers and panel discussions from local and international guests. The full program is able to view on the ABA conference website. Tuesday 22 June is a full day of Christmas highlights presentations from 18 publishers so you are ready for the key selling period ahead.

For further enquiries please email mail@aba.org.au


The Baby Dingo in Mummy’s Tummy

This is an age-appropriate book for kids on how babies are born. Join Kate the dingo’s  exciting journey to know all about her  baby brother ... Read more



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